Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Secrets of a Substitute Teacher

      I thought I'd share of of my sub tub tricks for you all. I use these little pompom "Quiet Critters" as a behavior management tool for classrooms I sub in. I put a post it on each student's desk with their name written on it. I tell the kids a story about how my "Quiet Critters" are nocturnal meaning they sleep during the day and are awake at night. I go on about the fact that I store them in a sound proof container because noise wakes them. I tell them that once in a while I sit them on students desks that have shown me that they can work quietly and be on task for long periods of time. I also tell them that if our class fills up a pan of brownie points (previously mentioned) then our class will get to do a fun activity at the end of the day. However, to individually participate students will need to have a critter on their desk. I go around and stamp post its when I find great independent workers. The critters have to stay on the stamp. Students who touch their critter, talk about them or let them be a distraction get them taken away.
       Once in a while, if the class is loosing enthusiasm for them, if I see a student who has the "best day ever" I'll let them earn two critters. Students who earn two critters can turn in one to do our activity and take one home. Usually all of the primary grade students love to work for these. Sometimes I even tell students that if I can't hear my music it isn't quiet enough and the class will lose a brownie point. The class always wants to work hard for the mystery activity. I also tell students that the harder I see the class working and the more students earn quiet critters, the more time we'll have at the end of the day. I also make sure to tell them that the more time we have, the better the activity I can select. I usually do some sort of a fun drawing activity, I spy or find the difference type activity so we can do it as a class or send it home if we don't have time. It really helps you gain control in any classroom because it is something different for the kids which is great!